My approach
PreviousEngaged and supportive. Dr. Caplan uses a balanced mix of analysis, modern techniques like CBT, and Jungian, Attachment & Mindfulness theory. She listens well.
What I appreciated the most about Dr. Caplan's approach is her nuanced perspective and guidance. I was always skeptical of therapists who gave me simple answers to complex and difficult life problems. Arlene and I developed a trusting and fruitful relationship because I felt that she could incorporate formal expertise with timely jolts of "reality check" and putting herself in my shoes.
Dr. Caplan will encourage you to talk, and it is important to do so. She enables you to first express what it is that you feel, and describe your life and your experiences. The next thing she will do is challenge your perspective.
Dr. Caplan's approach to my therapy has been, in a word, engaging -- I found it easy to talk to and trust her and she has always helped me in ways I often don't even understand at first, be it by offering support, push back, intellectual debate, or humour.
Direct and supportive. She responds to your cues where you're at and, as you evolve, so does the work you do together.
She allows the patient to establish a trust and comfort level, and then works with the patient to understand how various feelings and experiences, current and past, have contributed to difficulties the patient finds herself coping with.
Dr. Caplan has a very direct and personal approach to therapy. She focuses on the positive and always has an objective point of view. Dr. Caplan focuses on bringing out my strengths and teaching me to be more aware of them.
Dr. Caplan’s approach is practical, no nonsense, which I appreciate in times of crisis, yet with time, I have started to understand why I was reacting in a certain way. I initially saw Dr. Caplan to guide me in my relationship with my young adult son, years later, I and all my relationships have benefitted from my sessions with her.
Dr. Caplan offers a calming space in which to give voice to difficult emotions and painful past experiences. She will often point out patterns in the way you discuss certain issues, patterns you might not have considered previously, and help you connect them to certain people or past experiences you might not otherwise have thought implicated. It's also nice to have a space in which share worries and thoughts you feel unable to share anywhere else. I always leave feeling a little less burdened.
Dr. Caplan’s approach is practical, no nonsense, which I appreciate in times of crisis, yet with time, I have started to understand why I was reacting in a certain way. I initially saw Dr. Caplan to guide me in my relationship with my young adult son, years later, I and all my relationships have benefitted from my sessions with her.
How I make them feel comfortable
PreviousDr. Caplan is empathetic and reserving of judgement. Her calm demeanor is relaxing and I am at ease in her presence.
She seems to deeply care for her patients yet remain detached enough to demonstrate that she is objective when providing counselling. I think that this combination leads to the best outcomes. It certainly did in my case. She always welcomed me into her workplace with warmth and positive energy.
Dr. Caplan makes you feel important, and ensures that whatever you feel, and say, it is valid. So, she is good in accompanying you in the process. Since she makes you feel important and valid, it is very comforting to pursue therapy with her. Dr. Caplan seems to also understand when to allow you to talk, and when it is time for her to ask you questions. There is a delicate balance in doing this, and she pays so much attention to you that she succeeds. This is very comforting, again, because then you feel important and valid.
She starts with me! I trust her very much.
She's very professional, knowledgeable, and also a bit casual. This makes for a good mix.
She does not judge her patients and recognizes that they are coping as best they can at any given moment. However, she does try to point out new directions or possibilities that the patient may have missed.
Dr. Caplan is easy to talk to and available. Her home/office is a warm and inviting place to have therapy. She makes me feel comfortable and listened to.
Her direct approach and practical suggestions.
Dr. Caplan is easy to talk to and available. Her home/office is a warm and inviting place to have therapy. She makes me feel comfortable and listened to.
Dr. Caplan really lets her personality come out in therapy. I think this has helped me feel as though I could relate to her as an individual and not simply as a professional, which has helped inspire trust and confidence in her work.
What is unique about me
PreviousInstead of using a patient's condition to corroborate the literature, Dr. Caplan applies theory to support her understanding of a patient's needs. She allows the patient a freedom of expression while applying her insight into his/her greater challenge.
She is brilliant! During our talks those moments where the proverbial lightbulb lit up in my mind were plentiful and were the most powerful in terms of inducing a change in behaviour or thought patterns especially in an ongoing way outside of therapy. The benefits were incalculable. She is interesting! The best psychologist you can have in my opinion is one with whom you could talk for hours if you ever hypothetically found yourself outside the context of therapy.
One of the most important things I have learned from her is to relativize the situation, and to remain in the moment. One moment is different from another, no matter how many similarities you might find. Nothing is so ugly, or so bad. In fact, Dr. Caplan will challenge your definitions of good, bad or ugly. It will be interesting, I promise you.
She combines intellectual, research-informed therapy with a finely tuned sensitivity for the individual.
She really does remain objective and provide reflections, insights that are eye-opening. Sometimes it is a matter of a seed being planted, and by the next visit you "get it", but I hadn't experience this kind of successful work previously.
I find Dr. Caplan extremely empathetic. She has incredible patience with your story.
Dr. Caplan is a very positive person. She also knows when to give a "push" in the right direction when needed. Dr. Caplan is very honest and means what she says.
Dr. Caplan is a very experienced therapist and you feel this the very first time you meet her. She understood why I was consulting her, the issues were pressing and I needed practical guidance. With time we deepened my understanding and acceptance of myself and of those close to me.
Their therapy experience
PreviousVery beneficial and helpful. There is a strong sense of positivity I gather from her and the process.
I have made enormous progress with Dr. Caplan. Some of it unfolded a long time after I had seen her but the seeds were planted in therapy. It just took a long time for some things to become strikingly obvious.
My experience has been very rewarding. I have learned so much about myself and also how I see the world around me. My perspective has changed, and for the better. I feel more open, and I enjoy much more. I enjoy the present so much more, instead of thinking about the past or worrying about the future.
I am incredibly grateful for Dr. Caplan's presence in my life.
It's been very positive. Obviously, some periods have been more difficult than others, I've had my fair share of moments where I wanted to run and hide. When I feel that way, I remind myself that I always leave a session feeling lighter and more peaceful.
Very successful. I had started therapy thinking I was "crazy" because my perception of events was always denied by certain family members (extremely successful people who were highly regarded by all in society), who presented some alternate universe as the truth. I was browbeaten into believing that I had lost touch with reality and that my feelings/choices were unworthy and morally flawed. Eventually, I grew to understand what the truth was, why these things were happening and how to cope.
Therapy with Dr. Caplan has been a positive experience for me. We have a good history together since I'm seeing her for almost 15 years.
How therapy has changed their lives
PreviousI may just be maturing instead of drifting through life. Absorbing the shocks and coasting along, I was at a loss to make sense of the pain. Now joy doesn't seem so elusive.
The work we did together made me a better, smarter, less obsessively self conscious, more objective, more logical, better informed, more efficient, more action oriented and happier person although there is still a long way to go!
Dr. Caplan has shown me how to remain in the moment. In remaining in the moment, she will also encourage you to find your own solutions, in your own fashion, and on your own time. No obstacle is so great to be insurmountable, and no mountain too high to climb. Everything is done one step at a time. I have learned to communicate better, and to see myself as important enough to matter.My views and opinions are valid enough to be taken seriously, For someone like me who tends to be too quiet and too often will bend to someone else's wishes, this is very important.
She is helping me find ways to explore, flourish, and make the most of life, lived and enjoyed well.
I was living in a depression for many years without realizing it, and my therapy has helped me emerge from that cloud. While I still harbour some anxiety of slipping back, I have gained the tools to manage and stop spiraling thought patterns in their tracks. I have learned how to make my life what I want it to be and believe it possible to do so.
Dr. Caplan encouraged the real me to emerge. I was able to build and rely on my sense of self. I no longer tried to pacify or please family members or colleagues at work to my detriment. I am more confident to make my own decisions and take responsibility if they are wrong, instead of accepting the judgement of others and always being unhappy with the result. I even live a bit more in the moment, which I have always found to be difficult.
I became more independent and a more positive person. I am more aware of my environment and more knowledgeable of what brings me up or down. She brought out the best in me and I am thankful to her.
Dr. Caplan has helped me be a loving more relaxed mother to adult children. She prepared me for my son’s moving out of the family home. With her guidance this experience became a very positive one for the entire family.
Therapy with Dr. Caplan has made me a stronger person.

My Practice
I work with people of all ages, from all walks of life and from …

My Therapy Approach
My approach to therapy is eclectic. I tailor it to meet each …